Dedicated to Restoring & Maintaining Integrity in Goffstown Government


Editorials published by the Goffstown Residents Association are written by various members and contributing non-members of the GRA.

Vote NO anyway on TIF Articles

By Tricia Wynne
February 25, 2007

While the TIF articles seem to be “flawed”, we all know that legal opinions are like belly buttons - everybody has one.  So to ensure that this debate is put to rest, and not to reappear again next year, I am asking for everyone to still vote NO on this plan.  

If the TIF articles pass, you can be sure lawsuits will abound.  If it is defeated, then it is done and over.

With the information in
State RSA 162: K-9 (III), it is obvious that all the new tax money that is hoped to be gained won’t just sit and wait for a road to be built.  Now we might have to “share” a portion of the captured tax increments of the district with the county and the schools.  

If we have to share a portion with them, then how long will it take now to come up with the $180,000 that they estimate they’ll need to build 1,500 feet of road?  Originally, the planning board guessed that it could be 10 to 14 years…or longer.  Now how long will it take??? 

Defeating this article does NOT change zoning or any potential uses that already exists.  All it will do is allow the town and schools to use the tax money collected from development NOW. 

This wasn’t a well thought out plan from the beginning and is even less so now.

I urge everyone to still VOTE NO on the TIF articles (22, 23 and 24).  Send your message AGAIN to the boards.  Save the taxpayers any potential legal costs.  Don’t let them TAKE AWAY monies from your tax base.

Tricia Wynne, Candidate for Selectman

Click here for Tricia Wynne's profile


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