MARCH 4, 2010
A message to voters from Bill Bates, candidate for Budget Committee

To the Editor:

To The Taxpayers of Goffstown:  Like you, I attended & participated in the candidates night last Tuesday. I think there are a lot of good candidates for budget committee.....many who sincerely intend to put THE TAXPAYER FIRST and work hard to keep next year's town budget lean and to end immediately the increase of taxes in a terrible economy, when taxpayers are really hurting and trying to live with a lot less.  Budget increases are NOT supposed to be automatic, and we need strong leaders on budget committee who will make sure Selectmen and the school board hold the line on increases this year. 

I am currently on the ballot running for the 2-year position on the budget committee, but I would like for all of you to throw your support behind Paul Augros.

That's not to say I'm not looking forward to being elected and serving my community.  But if you really want to try and change the budget outcome next time around, I ASK FOR YOU TO VOTE FOR PAUL AUGROS FOR THE 2-YEAR POSITION AND VOTE FOR ME AS A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE FOR ONE OF THE 3-YEAR POSITIONS ON THE BUDGET COMMITTEE, and also vote for Ivan Beliveau, John Burt, and John Dillon

WHY? Because we need a solid block of committee members who will put lean budgets, lower taxes and the taxpayer first!  

If you really want to change the way things are done right now, we will need to elect as many fiscally-conservative people as possible right now!  NOTHING EVER CHANGES WHEN YOU KEEP DOING THINGS THE SAME WAY. 

If taxpayers in Goffstown vote for me, I will work hard for a different outcome and bring a fresh approach to the town budget process. 

I am asking for your vote, and I also sincerely ask that each of you pass along my communication to other taxpayers and other groups you know. 

With Best Regards,, 

Bill Bates



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