Outdoors and Free
Friday, November 7, 2008
Volume 2, Issue 46

There’s Fun In Watching Wildlife

There is no denying that wildlife watching can be fun and exciting as well as educational. Every day is a good day to get out to view wildlife. It hasn’t snowed yet. Viewing can be done from your own back yard, in a state park, off country roads, along the edges of lakes and ponds and even by walking Goffstown’s Rail Trails. The state of New Hampshire is more than 80% forested, which offers some good opportunities for viewing wildlife. 

Judy Silverberg, PhD, the wildlife viewing coordinator for the state of New Hampshire, says, "It is easy for animals to remain secretive and only allow you a glimpse as they turn and blend into their surroundings. You need to increase your knowledge about what animals live where and at what season of the year they are most visible. Doing so will help you have a successful viewing experience." 

Judy also suggests listening in April and May for the choruses of spring peepers and wood frogs as they sing from wetlands trying to attract a mate. Early June is a good time to see a bear grazing on the ski slopes of Canon Mountain. Osprey are spotted in July and August along the Androscoggin River. A crisp, clear day in late September, on Mount Kearsarge, affords views of hundreds of broad-winged hawks as they migrate south. She also suggests that winter is a great time to search for bald eagles along the lower Merrimack River in Manchester or to read the stories of winter survival by looking for tracks in the snow.

Of course, there are also opportunities for you to see fox, coyotes, squirrels, fishers, rabbits, deer and moose in the woods and fields around New Hampshire, too. As Judy says, "The fact that you can never be sure of what you will see makes watching wildlife a most rewarding experience. It can be a goal in itself or it can be a nice addition to a fishing trip or hiking expedition or any outing." There are a number of things that Judy recommends you can do that will greatly enhance your chances of seeing wildlife. Remember however, that deer season is now in progress and ends December 8th. So, if you plan to be in the woods looking for wildlife, be safe and wear a jacket, vest and cap of Hunter Orange color so that you can be readily seen and identified.

Tools and Techniques for Wildlife Watching

Binoculars - These are the most helpful tools for a wildlife watcher to have. Binocular selection can be complicated, so learn all you can before you buy. The best all purpose binoculars are those with power and dimensions of 7 x 35. This size binocular gathers a lot of light, allowing you to use them in the morning and evening. Finding what you are looking at can be made easier if you first locate the object with your naked eye. Then, without moving your eyes, bring the binoculars to your eyes and focus.

Clothing - Wear lots of layers so that you can adjust to changing weather. The color of your clothes may determine what animals you see. Birds can see color well, so go with drab, earthy colors to help avoid detection. However, if you are in the woods and fields during hunting season, wear a Hunter Orange color vest and cap.

Field Guides - Use field guides, checklists and other sources to identify wildlife and learn about habits and habitats. These reference materials can open up a world of information to enrich your experience.

Go out when wildlife is active - Plan your visit around peak viewing seasons or times of activity. There are several activity peaks in New Hampshire. The first is April and June, when large number of migratory birds return and animals are busy raising their young. A second peak occurs in September and October as migratory birds begin to head south and mammals prepare for winter. The time of day also plays an important part in whether or not you will see animals. In general, wildlife is more active in the first and last hours of daylight.

Be patient, learn to be still and silent - You can improve your chances of seeing wildlife by slowing down. Take a few steps, stop, listen and look. Sharpen your senses by paying attention to sounds and smells. Look for changes in shape and movement all around you. Avoid making noise by not stepping onto brittle sticks, leaves or talking out loud. If possible, walk into the wind.
If you arrive at a wildlife viewing site expecting to see a lot of wildlife right away, you will probably be disappointed. You need to allow yourself time. In some cases, sitting motionless, next to a tree or brush, will allow you to blend into your surroundings. In turn, the wildlife in the area will go about their daily routines.

Use a blind - You can increase your chances of having a successful viewing experience if you conceal yourself. This can be done by simply standing behind a tree or bush instead of out in the open. Cars, boats and canoes also make excellent viewing blinds. Animals who are used to seeing these things may not feel threatened or disturbed as long as you do not approach.

Prepared for your outing - Learn everything you can about a wildlife viewing site before you visit. Check the warnings about road conditions and weather. If it is a site you are hiking into, make sure you know where you are going and have water, snacks, proper footgear and clothing. During the spring and summer, expect insects. Bring repellents and wear protective clothing. A hat with a brim and good sunglasses can protect your eyes from the sun rays while use of a sun-block will protect your skin.

Viewing ethics and responsibilities

Most people who spend any time outdoors care a great deal about wildlife and wildlife habitat. Unfortunately, even the innocent act of observing wildlife can have a great impact on the animals if it is not properly done. Observing a few guidelines will help to put the needs and safety of wildlife first, to conserve wildlife and habitats and respect the rights of others.

Enjoy wildlife from a distance - The goal of successful wildlife watching is to see animals without interrupting their normal behavior. Wildlife send clear signals that you are too close when they stop feeding and raise their head sharply, move away, change direction of travel or appear nervous or aggressive. These disturbances may result in an animal abandoning its young, injuring itself as it tries to escape, quit feeding at a time of critical energy need or displaying aggressive behavior toward you.

Don’t feed the animals - While it may seem exciting at the time to have an animal eat out of your hand, there are potential serious consequences. Some animals that become accustomed to handouts may lose their natural fear of humans. This may cause them to become aggressive with visitors who refuse to feed them. This situation may lead to human injury, which in turn usually means the death of the animal involved. Human foods do not meet the living requirements for many animals and may seriously harm them. Animals who have become accustomed to handouts may be faces with starvation once that food source is no longer available to them.

Never chase or harass wild animals - In some cases valuable energy resources, needed for survival, are used when wildlife is chased. Your wildlife viewing experience will be more successful if you leave your pets at home.

Don’t pick up orphaned or sick animals - Wild animals rarely abandon their young. In most cases, the adults are nearby, waiting for the visitors to leave before they return. If an animal appears to be sick or injured, behaves oddly or appears to be tame, leave it alone. There are a number of wildlife diseases, including rabies, that can affect humans.

Honor the rights of private landowners - Always ask permission before entering private property. Leave no trace that you have been there. Carry a plastic trash bag in your pocket for your empty bottle, sandwich wraps, etc. Take it home with you and dispose of it properly. On your way out, if you see someone has left trash on the property, pick it up and take it home with you. It is unfortunate that there are some uncaring people out there who will spoil it for the rest of us.

Respect the rights of others at the site - Be considerate when approaching wildlife that is already being viewed. A loud noise or quick movement may spoil the experience for everyone. Remember, you share the woods with many other recreation lists, including hunters, hikers, snowmobilers and mountain bikers. Most public lands are open to hunting and fishing.

While the snow has not yet arrived, it’s a good time to go viewing wildlife. Get out and enjoy.

Bob Harris can be reached via e-mail at: outwriter2@aol.com


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