Thursday, March 1, 2006


Scott Gross will not spend Goffstown’s taxes the right way

I do not know Scott Gross personally, but what I have seen of him over the past few years: protesting the Knights of Columbus picture hanging in the Grasmere Grange Hall, championing a kindergarten that is poorly placed (across the street from a lake, with PSNH power line right of way through the rear of the school), and more recently pushing through a school board budget with larger increases than most people see in their own employment each year is not the kind of person I want for a selectman in our town. 

I have been a member of this town for nearly 40 years, and I find it painful to watch the things going on here. 

The build-the-kindergarten-at-any-cost folks succeeded and built a school in a lousy location ­ across the street from a big play puddle … and underneath powerlines. Our taxes are climbing higher than our cost of living. And it seems there are more people wanting to spend more tax income that we just do not have. 

I write this knowing full well I may suffer retribution to my home, as some of the poor folks who dared oppose the location of the kindergarten on Tibbets Hill underwent vandalism to their homes, yards, etc. And my family may have to endure the glaring stares and ostracism that many children of the “kindergarten opposition” had to endure. 

But I can not sit idle as a few people manipulate the system. We have a large voter base that needs to get out and vote. 

And yes, I have been a silent voter. But I do vote. 

Mr. Gross I thank you for caring. And I thank you for giving your personal time to be involved, but I do disagree with your spending of my tax dollars. I do not believe we share what is best for our community. 

People have to be able to afford to live here, and somewhere down the line we have lost sight of that. 

Peter McKay

Reproduced by the Goffstown Residents Association.