Editorials published by the Goffstown Residents
Association are written by various members and
contributing non-members of the GRA.

November 13, 2009
Hunt wrong man for the job at MVMS

As a taxpayer and a parent of children in the Goffstown School District, I am DISGUSTED that the superintendent and great majority of school board members continue to support Jim Hunt, Mountain View Middle School principal. 

Mr. Hunt has exhibited a pattern of discrimination and intimidation against certain educators and staff members. In the three plus years since Mr. Hunt was hired, student test scores have dropped, and Mountain View Middle School has lost many excellent teachers and veteran staff members. Students' parents and the remaining staff are afraid to speak up for fear of retaliation, yet Stacy Buckley and the School Board continue to ignore the problem. 

At a recent School Board meeting, Donna Pinard, an SAU19 teacher, requested that the board conduct exit interviews of the MVMS teachers and staff members, but Keith Allard and the majority of the school board members seemed uninterested in knowing the truth, thereby allowing the harassment and intimidation to continue. The bottom line is that Jim Hunt is still being paid in excess of $90K per year to perpetuate a hostile environment that is disruptive to students and demoralizing for the staff. 

How much has the school district paid in attorney's fees because of Mr. Hunt? 

How much more will Jim Hunt's employment cost Goffstown taxpayers in legal fees, declining test scores, and poor morale?

How many more staff members will depart because of him?

Do you think MVMS is reflecting an educational environment that maps to their stated mission?



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