Editorials published by the Goffstown Residents
Association are written by various members and
contributing non-members of the GRA.

Take the time to actually READ ballot articles before voting
Quick 'glances" at Town Article 12, School Article 2, can be misleading 

March 7, 2008

by Guy Caron

Remember Article 13 last year, the Lynchville/Danis Park water distribution plan?  That article failed by a mere 26 votes, yet had no tax impact whatsoever to the voters of Goffstown.  That same plan appears again on Tuesday's ballot as Article 12.

Don't make the same mistake again.

Often, voters will simply glance at a Warrant Article rather than take the time to actually read it thoroughly.  And in so doing, a voter will often take notice of a large figure and nothing else, then immediately vote against that article under the mistaken belief that the article will hit them hard in their pocketbook. 

Case In Point:  School Article 2

School Article 2 is an excellent example.  At first glance, the figure of $816,000 stands out prominently.  Without thoroughly reading this article, and the accompanying information in the voter's guide, one might easily jump to the conclusion that School Article 2 is asking for $816,000 for renovations to Bartlett School.  It is, sort of, but such a conclusion is misleading...

School Article 2 is, in fact, only asking for permission to spend monies we already have$216,000 would come from monies deposited in a school impact fee account paid for by developers, and the remaining $600,000 would come from the Bartlett Capital Reserve fund.  These are monies we already have set aside in previous years for much needed renovations to the school.  This article has NO TAX IMPACT whatsoever.  But unless voters are fully informed, these renovations may not be realized should this article fail due to lack of complete information.  It was disappointing to see our own GRA membership did not seem to understand this (voting 75% against in our member's poll), and the current poll we are running that is open to the public also shows Article 2 with only 41% voter support.

Other Articles to Consider

While considering Town Article 12 and School Article 2, also take a close look at the planning board's Town Article 9.  This article increases residential wetlands setbacks from 50 feet to 100 feet, greatly affecting homeowners' ability to develop on their own land without first obtaining waivers (and spending substantial monies for a wetland scientist).  Effectively, passage of this article could prevent a homeowner from putting up a shed, building a swimming pool, extending a driveway, etc. 

A map of this proposed wetlands extension is available on the Goffstown Town Website, and can be viewed by clicking here: http://www.town.goffstown.nh.us/Elections/Article_9_Impact_map.pdf . The streams are in green. 

Article 9 does have its positive aspects such as preventing someone from putting a horse stable within 100 feet of a stream (water pollution issues), but it needs to be weighed against the downside, the usurpation of private land rights.

But without taking the time to fully read and understand the implications of Article 9 - and every other article on the ballot - voters cannot possibly make informed decisions when entering the voting booth on Tuesday.  And those decisions affect all of of us.

Take the time to truly understand what you are voting for or against on March 11th.  It is your responsibility to be as informed as possible before casting your vote.



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